Friday, August 21, 2009

Free Addiction DVD

Foundation for a Drug-Free World

Watch videos and learn the truth about drug addiction. Read facts and real-life stories from addicts about drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, crystal meth, LSD, painkillers and prescription drugs. Discover drug prevention programs and activities or order a free DVD and information kit.

Drug Free World

Adopt an Addict

Adopt a Drug Addict
A non-profit organization that specializes in the rehabilitation of drug-addicted children and young adults who have no support structure or who have become destitute as a result of their addiction:
Adopt a Drug Addict

Monday, August 17, 2009

Alcoholic Moms

Recovering Alcoholic-Addict Mommy
"... The guilt and shame that alcoholic and drug-addicted moms feel is overwhelming. We really believe that we are worthless as mothers if we can't even stay sober for our children. What I learned in recovery the first time (and had to relearn the second time around) is that it is not my fault that I am an alcoholic, but I am responsible for treating it. Sobriety is the foundation of my life now. ..."

Click Here to Read the Whole Story

Photo Gallery of 8 Celebrity Moms Under the Influence

Addiction Articles at

What do you think about ...

... drinking during pregnancy?

... alcoholics and addicts raising kids?

See All the Addiction Questions at

Broken Toyland - Gallery of Works by Artist Valery Milovic

Blog for Adult Children of Alcoholics

Adult Children of Alcoholics Official Website

Sober Moms Support

Addicted Like Me

A Mother-Daughter Story of Substance Abuse and Recovery

Told through the voices of a mother-daughter writing team, "Addicted Like Me" offers a personal account of addiction and how it affects the entire family. It provides advice and resources for parents dealing with addiction. It discusses how to identify the signs of addiction, where to turn for help, and how to understand this disease.

A mother and daughter share their candid struggles with addiction - thirty years apart - giving readers insight into how to break the cycle. Told through the voices of a mother-daughter writing team, "Addicted Like Me" offers a detailed personal account of addiction and how it affects the entire family. Karen Franklin recounts her own past as a young addict, her struggle with the alcoholism of her parents, and ultimately her husband's and children's addictions. Lauren King, Franklin's daughter, tells of her own spiral of addiction-from marijuana and alcohol to crystal meth.

As a valuable complement to their own stories of addiction and recovery, Franklin and King also provide advice and resources for parents dealing with addiction. In this prescriptive section, they discuss how to identify the signs of addiction, where to turn for help, and how to understand this disease. Told from the trustworthy perspective of two people who have been there, these hard-won tips are preventative in their efforts to help parents help their kids at an early phase rather than glossing over what may be calls for help."Addicted Like Me" tackles the long-lasting effects of addiction in many shapes, and provides a mother-daughter story of recovery that is sure to resonate with parents and children facing similar issues.

More Info at Addicted Like Me

Being Well

Slide Show about The Art of Being Well

The Art of Being Well at