Alcoholism, Addiction, and Recovery - Support Resources, Quips & Quotes - Updated One Day at a Time! Recovery blogs, websites, and info about substance abuse, health, spirituality, music, shops, diversions - Alcoholism and addictions can be fatal when untreated; if you or someone you know is still suffering, many find lasting recovery and want to help: for support resources, see the list of link categories
"With all the beatings, injections, guns to my head, overdoses, needles, seizures, and surgeries, how could I still be alive? As I tramped the roadside gravel, I had no ready answer to this question. Every step sapped strength from my battered body. I began to comprehend the temporary nature of life and the finality of death. Death had tried to take me on several occasions, but thus far had failed. Would this be the night death triumphed? If so, bring it on!" - quote from "Only Mortals Can Be Heroes" p 186
Only Mortals Can Be Heroes is a true story about a young boy, Adam Weaver, who experiences the pleasures and pains of the drug culture. Adam's adventure describes how he started drugging at age 12 because he wanted to fit in with his peers. After marijuana and beer came Ritalin, Oxycontin, Ecstasy, LSD, uppers, downers, cocaine and heroin, and everything in between, including a cocaine overdose at age 16 and a heroin overdose a few years later.
In most places these days you'll pay more for gas than for beer. But for alcoholics the price of drinking includes a hidden cost.
There is s a popular belief among many in recovery from alcoholism that you can't change an alcoholic back into a social drinker. You can't change a pickle back into a cucumber. Once a pickle, always a pickle. For alcoholics, most attempts to return to social drinking are unsuccessful, sometimes with tragic or even fatal consequences.
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Through a program of recovery, many alcoholics are able to enjoy long-term sobriety.
History and Addiction "Chemical dependency has plagued humankind since man first crushed grapes. Each millennium has treated the problems that addiction brings with a methodology unique to the times. Historically, society, as a way of treating those addicted, has imprisoned them, banished them, put them in mental institutions, religiously converted them and, in today’s world, treated them.What has not changed is the impact of chemical dependency, particularly on those addicted and their families. Herein lies the story. ..." Click for the rest of this article by Claudia Black
Instead of Picking Up a Drink: 1. Read a book 2. Take a walk 3. Play a musical instrument 4. Knit 5. Clean your closets 6. Research your genealogy 7. Cook a gourmet dinner 8. Write an article for your local newspaper 9. Go take some pictures...