Humor in Recovery
"I used to take myself so seriously, no one else would."
- Mark Lundholm quote
Click each stickler for three "drank there, used that" audio clips:
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Recovery Help
"My first sponsor said she did not know if we had a generation gap or if I had brain damage. Although only in my twenties at the time, the destruction to my body did not leave for over a year, and the destruction to my mind and soul for many more years. I just had to hang on and stay in the middle of the pack. Anyone can do the same. You don’t need medical benefits, insurance, rich relatives or homes to hock for a 30 day check-in Hilton miracle. I know with absolute certainty that God will meet you anywhere."
- Snow P, excerpt from her 'Young Timer Rant'
You Can Read the Young Timer Rant Article Here
Letter From Your Disease
"Hello, Just in case you forgot me, I am your disease. I hate meetings, I hate higher powers, I hate anyone who has and works a program. To all who come in contact with me, I wish you suffering and I wish you death. Allow me to tell you about myself. I am the disease of addiction...."
- Author Unknown, 'Letter from your Disease'
Complete Letter From Your Disease