"If ever anyone had a hellacious childhood it was Chuck. His parents were smart, likeable people when they were sober; but they were verbally abusive and neglectful when they weren't. And they weren't sober most of the time. Chuck loved them, protected them, and parented them as much as he could, and strangely enough he never complained about them...
One thing I knew about Chuck, and I knew a lot about him, was that he would never drink. And he didn't. All through high school, all through college, I don't think he ever took a single drink. I could certainly understand why. Alcohol had ruined his parents' lives and it surely wasn't going to ruin his...
After college Chuck became wildly successful as well he should have. He was a brilliant man and was at the top of his field. He had a wife, two children, and more money than he had ever expected to have. It was a perfect world, maybe too perfect. I don't think Chuck knew how to live in a perfect world. He would call me often and talk about how he just didn't think it would last...
After he had been married several years and after his two children had been born, I was visiting Chuck and he offered me a drink. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I was stunned and told him so. He laughed and said it was okay because he could handle it. And he did handle the effects of it. I don't think I ever saw him drunk; but man oh man did I see him drink...
He died in his mid-fifties. I don't know what the actual cause of death was determined to be but it was evident that alcohol played a prominent role. He left behind a widow, two children and a grandchild. He also left a friend who misses him to this day."
- Jackie K Cooper 'Benicia News'