Here's a brief description of the "imaging" feather technique mentioned above. If you have the time, reading this four-page article would give you some helpful background:
View Zone article. It really doesn't do it justice without more info, but to go ahead and give it a try:
- First, remember your amygdalas are located about one inch in from each temple (if pictures help, see this:
Amygdala Chart).
- Relax by saying a prayer or whatever quiets your mind, and make sure you're comfortable.
- Here's what you'll be doing next: Imagine you're holding a feather. Without actually moving your hand, "image" taking the feather and lightly tickle the front part of one amygdala forward... then move to the front part of the other amygdala and tickle forward, sending energy toward your frontal lobes.
- Now, close your eyes to help you feel any subtle effects, and give it a try...
It's that easy to get started, and you can do it anywhere anytime! You could have felt anything from a calming warm feeling in your frontal lobes, to an energetic oomph! If you felt something, great, if not try again later or better still, do some reading on Neil's site. The real benefits are cumulative: "the more frequently you tickle, the more you click, the more pronounced the results."
Speaking from personal experience, these tools really work! Along with prayer, AA, and good friends, Neil's resources have helped me in my recovery. Check out Amazing Brain Info, Books & Music for yourself. There's lots there to discover including a newsletter, and if some of the articles about more 'paranormal' topics aren't your thing, then take what you like and leave the rest... but get clicking!
Neil Slade's Brain Info